We've had snow. Snow days, snowy nights, ice, sleet, frost and now sludge! (the dirty, wet snow left slowly thawing on the pavements and driveway).
Snow comes with a downfall of emotions. Excitement, anticipation, fear, joy, anxiety, uncertainty...
It's snowing! Is school closed? Can I make a snowman? Can I go sledging? Is daddy home yet? Why isn't he home yet? Why does it take longer to drive home in the snow? I want to go outside and play! I'm too tired but I have to go outside now! What if it all disappears?
Things look different covered in a blanket of fresh snow. The beauty of the fading winter light across the fields is breathtaking. So with the bag of churning emotions there also comes a peace. Strange but true.
To help us through the chilly days we told a social story: When it snows we can go outside and play in it. We can also stay inside and be cosy. We can bake good things to eat and sit beside the fire and keep warm. One evening this did seem to quell the wave of anxiety that was threatening to overwhelm our household. Making birdfood mixtures has also helped. Something to do inside and a purposeful activity for outside.
It's now raining and a sense of relief is seeping through our exhaustion. Let's not think about the possibilities that rain can bring!
Best wishes
Hazel Reeves